Soon this fighting technique crossed Asia, reaching Japan, where it became a fighting format of the samurais, excellent warriors whose life purpose was to protect and defend their lords with their own life if necessary.
The samurais had various combat techniques, knifes, spears, bow and arrows, and used Jiu Jitsu as their one on one body combat, due to its flexibility and balance that surpassed brutal force.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Japan opened its ports to the Western World, and the Emperor at that time declared a national crime to teach jiu-jitsu in Japan, in an attempt to preserve Jiu Jitsu as an exclusive art of the Japanese people, however, after world war I , there was a large Japanese immigration movement and Brazil was the chosen destination of Count Maeda Icoma, who was national champion at the time.Maeda arrived in Para in the 1920´s where he met Gastao Gracie, influential man in the city of Belém do Pará, helping Maeda establish himself in this new home.
As gratitude, Count Maeda revealed Jiu Jitsu to Gastão´s oldest son, Carlos, whom in a very short period, dominated the techniques and was soon teaching.
However , it was Helio, his brother, that developed Jiu Jitsu to become the sport that it is today, recognized as the most perfect fighting discipline in the world. The 63Kg. Helio Gracie, beat various opponents weighing over 100Kgs; proving that technique overcomes strength. This culture, today known as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, allows us to export our techniques to the whole world, including Japan as one of our biggest consumers.
The word Jiu Jitsu means “The Suave Art” due to its basic principle of receding to win, using the weight and power of your opponent against himself, and yet creating for each technique, the power of leverage, capable of moving a much heavier opponent. This is the orientating factor of using mental and physical energy more efficiently.
Jiu Jitsu has the objective of underestimating, however, to do so, you must have the principle of defending yourself perfectly, and making it impossible for your opponent to beat you therefore you will eventually be the winner; through a well applied technique or by emotional exhaustion of you opponent’s various failed attempts. This defense ability makes Jiu-Jitsu the most efficient form of self-defense.
Three abilities that must be mastered by Jiu Jitsu practioners: Movement, Balance and leverage.
Movement will be utilized to create unbalanced situations to your opponent, in which you attack a weakened rival, thus without balance there is no power.
Self Balance must always be present, so you can have more control of the movements and reaching the leveraging positions with greater ease.
Leverage is used to expand your strength, allowing you to move or attack your opponent.
As you master the 3 abilities mentioned above, a Jiu Jitsu strategist can maximize his power, leaving his opponent useless of his own greater force. A Jiu Jitsu scholar knows that power only has value, when put into action with the appropriate technique, even a child can beat a strong adversary.
With these Concepts, I don’t mean to say that Jiu Jitsu strategy is an exclusive weapon for the small or weak; people or companies big and strong, using these concepts along with their strengths, will become extremely dangerous competitors.Pure force doesn’t mean much, but when we confront adversaries with the same caliber of knowledge, it can be a determining factor for victory.
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